Lao Mark18 hours ago
Downfall of civilization
Being rational, realistic, scientist and having 37 years of multidisciplinary experience living and working in multiple countries around the globe, I have NO doubt that our civilization is collapsing in mostly all fronts....the financial markets are clearly manipulated; politically and diplomatically we are in a shameful garbage state; morally, ethically, respectfully, humanistic ally etc we are disgraced; ......
we exploited and destroyed our planet in every way we could; commercially it is all about making as much money as possible and stepping over others heads; militarily we are invading sovereign countries and slaughtering people left and right; educationally, agendas are manipulated for us to become "obedient servants/ workers"; religion faiths are clashing......
people almost every where became Orwellian robots semiconscious twittering, chatting, face-booking, playing games and talking gossips and bullshit on their cel phones; our planet is in a increasingly climate chaos; businesses are closing and jobs mingling; our air, waters, junk and GMO foods are poisoning us; selfishness , egoism and ego-centrism are rampant everywhere; .....
cost of health care are exploding; retirement and pension funds are doomed; states and countries are broken; famine and malnutrition affect at least 1/4 of the global population; in the late 1800's our population exploded exponentially from 1.5 billion people to 7.1billion humans and soon we will reach 9 billion (and with their myriad growing demands, desires and necessities that with the lifestyle we live and/ or seek, it's obviously unsustainable); pollution is every where you look; ....
Pornography and sexual exploitation are at the peak; bullshit garbage egocentric celebrities are treated like demigods; crimes are spreading like virus; terrorist ( many financed by powers-at-be....Saudi Arabia, US, UK etc) is ticking at faster pace; innocent refugies who lost everything are flooding other countries; more powerful and mortíferos armaments are constantly being developed and sales are booming; mind control techniques are improving and becoming more effective at an alarming rate; privacy is gone, you are watched everywhere, the Big Brother previewed became a Tyrannosaurus Rex...
neither the news media nor Hollywood/ TV film entertainment industries are trust-able; cyber attacks are becoming daily events and more wide spread; lies and false appearances are all over the place; we have been bombarded by all types of undesirable advertises; we are extincting 200 species per day.; our fishes are almost all over-fished; wild fires, heat waves and flash floods occur daily; virus and diseases and springing out more frequently; corruption spread like a tornado (see Brazil with the greatest government-big companies corruption in world history); multi billion money-making sports are maddening, blinding and manipulating masses (football, basketball, soccer, Coliseum-type brutal fights etc) ......
most doctors see you as a number on their insurance pay-stub; deforestation is taken as normal part of economic growth (maybe we only have 20-25% of the original global vegetation still standing); sea level is rising at faster pace; almost all years in at least the past decade is warmer than the previous one; arctic sea ice is rapidly mingling; oceans are becoming each time more acidic, warmer (expanding in volume) and the global main currents that help balancing the world's climate are shifting or slowing down; various types of drugs usage are worldwide spread; contraband of goods and trafficking of people (or their organs) became countless....... I could go on and on.
It is obvious for any rational thinking mind that our civilization is rolling down the hill at faster speed. I am NOT a pessimist, only absolutely REALIST! OPEN YOUR EYES, BEWARE and PREPARED ( this if you want to survive thru the harshness of the unfolding global chaos)....behold and save my words!
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posted by Mark j @ 7:39 PM