If less people lived on the planet the quality or health of life for ALL would be better. That would better prepare us for the long haul. Beacause technology has brought us all together, it has pushed our problems and idealogies together too. "If you put too many peaches in a can they won't be the same, they may last just as long and taste the same but who'd want to eat them?"
So now WITH technology AND "less-crowdedness" We can have UTOPIA!.
How to reduce the worlds numbers naturally and grandfathered without disturbing anything or affecting it in any politically oppresive way, soon enough I might add, to help the worlds generally agreed upon world-wide mini-crisises. To name a few: Pandemic flu - Nuclear explosion - Negative Biodiversity - Global warming/Climate change - Resources like food n energy......... UGGHH!!! Very hard because of the "NOT IN MY BACKYARD" syndrome and general resistance to change.
So how do you go about it?
1. Define maximum pop. size of the country based on size, livability index/areas, resources, climate, etc.
2. All countries agree to targeted sanctions if they go outside the guidlines voted upon in the United Nations charter regarding overpopulation.
3. Freetrade otherwise to all compliant countries. This is crucial because utopia is a country in whichyou live in that can have every citizen completly happy, but which because of that doesn't succum to the pressure of EVERYONE ELSE wanting to "be there too". This is what needs to be controlled. The pressure of new-people wanting to be in "YOUR pleasant space".
4. Finding renewable and clean energy is also required for a utopian society inorder for it(us) to spend the energy or resources, speaking metaphorically here, elsewhere, like entertainment, free transportation, free medical care, housing needs, aand anything else you WANT.
5. U.N. is THE authority in the World. It controls the world's countries AND non-renewable resources just like a country controls a country. BUT WHO now has the best "government structure", for a sustainable future, to be used as the "over-seerer" of how all the other nations are behaving together.? Which type of government do we go by. It depends on the results of polls taken of the general population of any givin area to see what they want, where they want it, how they express their faiths or belifefs, and how much they are willing to spend on non essentials or non renewable energies(ie dependant on other people's stuff) etc. What resources they need and where they might get them is the most important thing to a population and they will try hard to get it, legally or not. If todays leaders could use a computer program to identify which renewable energies will be able to be used where, what geographical areas should act as borders for the best allignment of ethnic or social groups, what climate is needed for certain populations. This one leads me to believe that most of the countries today are the best possable distribution of people now already. In other words inthe future the countries are generally gonna always be the way they are now. UNLESS something happens to the mindset of a population natually(any number of things can upset the balance of everyday life), maybe suddenly, which would pressure on neighboring countries to keep out or embrace the "new" people.
6. Politics and governments need the US constitution and restrained-Democracy(that is it does not want more than it can use and produces more than it consumes). And can't be corrupt or will agree to U.N. oversight
7. Wiping out disease and famine ASAP, so developing countries can get a fair shake at developing a fruitful and self dependant government on their land.
Which steps do we tackle first. How do we stay action orientated. How do we urgently arrest the global degredation man is having on Earth today? We have to strengthen the U.N., make it work hard at getting ALL countries to behave like States in the USA, or other similarly well-designed government of the people(See number 6 above).
We must do this fast before TERRORISM or DISEASE or EXTINCTION or CLIMATE CHANGE(means your regular garden plants won't grow in your backyard anymore OR it also may mean New Orleans will be under water), do it for us after they do their damage!