Sunday, December 16, 2012

This is the solution to overpopulation.

This is the solution to overpopulation. Stop making so many babies. Humans would be much happier and healthy. This, soon to be disastrous fight for resources is near. We can solve it without too much trouble if we use technology smartly and right away.
 My solution is to move practically everything (as in practical to do so) below ground or in mountains. This will free up the surface for food and wildlife especially. And add security by sheltering man from the elements either natural or man made. Lightning, hail, tornados, hi winds, firestorms, plagues, hot radioactive winds from nuclear power plant explosions, and from bombs, would be of concern no more! We would be free to build our buildings downward as much as we want, not worrying about running into our neighbors. Factories, Apt complexes, parking lots, warehouses, secure buildings like banks, and stores or malls could all be lowered to beneath the planet of the apes to free up the space above them for farm land or preserving wildlife. Ranches and farmland can be moved towards the vast areas on the outskirts of cities, aka urban sprawl suburbs etc., instead of continuing to move out into the countryside. There would be more land then available for wildlife, with no need to  cut down additional forests and grasslands. If humans are confined to roads and parks, sporting facilities, and farms, we won't have such a detrimental affect on it/them.
  Basically there could be no more people on Earth than what is needed for both wildlife and our activities to be able to live in true harmony together with, with man underground and wildlife above ground.

next post is about the fact that the technology to do all this pleasantly, is here already! Solar, thermal, wind, wave, are here. But most important is full wall sized monitors on every wall, one that can be seen from a high angle. Because static wallpaper is boring and sometimes down right depressing.

In The End of Growth, published in September 2011, Richard Heinberg, made the observation that world economic expansion, which has been barreling along for the past few decades, is now stalling. The book further claimed that this is not an outcome we can prevent; we can only choose whether and how to adapt. He argued that economic contraction is inevitable at some point since we are already overusing most of Earth’s important resources, and that limits to debt and to affordable oil supplies, along with worsening environmental disasters, are conspiring to bring about the reversal roughly now (i.e., this decade). Some countries will do better than others, and temporary partial recoveries are possible. But for the foreseeable future, contraction—not growth—will be the norm.
 So, how are we doing just nine months later? Is the global economy mending or teetering on the brink? Is the book’s hypothesis confirmed or disproved?
 Book Description
Publication Date: August 9, 2011

Economists insist that recovery is at hand, yet unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. The End of Growth proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in its economic history. The expansionary trajectory of industrial civilization is colliding with non-negotiable natural limits.

Richard Heinberg’s latest landmark work goes to the heart of the ongoing financial crisis, explaining how and why it occurred, and what we must do to avert the worst potential outcomes. Written in an engaging, highly readable style, it shows why growth is being blocked by three factors:

    Resource depletion
    Environmental impacts
    Crushing levels of debt

These converging limits will force us to re-evaluate cherished economic theories and to reinvent money and commerce.

The End of Growth describes what policy makers, communities, and families can do to build a new economy that operates within Earth’s budget of energy and resources. We can thrive during the transition if we set goals that promote human and environmental well-being, rather than continuing to pursue the now-unattainable prize of ever-expanding GDP.

Richard Heinberg is the author of nine previous books, including The Party's Over, Peak Everything, and Blackout. A senior fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, Heinberg is one of the world's foremost peak oil educators and an effective communicator of the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels